Lions Volunteering
Written by Mary Stephenson 8-26-2017
On August 24th Jim, Judy, Gary and I went to Sycamore School to volunteer for their “Back to School Night”.
We were glad it was an indoor affair as it was rather hot outside.
Now that we have done this routine a few times of serving in the kitchen, we took our positions behind the counter and prepared for the influx of families.
Not Just Another Thursday Meeting
Written by Mary Stephenson 7-24-2017

District Governor Marianne Keesee
We were honored to have District Governor Marianne Keesee to visit our club for one of her first visits to clubs in our region on July 20th. She was accompanied by other Lions.
She gave a wonderful speech of how to get new members, including “branch” clubs. Which seems to be a solution for busy young parents. Lots of ideas to ponder.
Her special interest is diabetes as it is a subject she is personally impacted by. We learned a few things about diabetes that some of us might not have been familiar with.
Whiskeytown Camp Volunteers for 2017
July 18, 2017
Thanks to Norm Overbay the club has a record of Whiskeytown Camp event of July 17, 2017.
It looks like everyone had a good time.
Here is the link to the rest of the pictures.
Enlarge them by clicking on one and you can scroll through the gallery.
P.S. more photos have been added also a short video on the “Videos” page.
We Talked, We Ate, We Laughed
Written by Mary Stephenson 6-18-2017
And the time was 5 PM, June 17, 2017.
An evening of partying all in the name of Installation of our new Lion’s Board. Any reason to party is good, especially when it’s with people you enjoy being around.
For all those that were not there…well you missed a great evening of fun and laughter!
We started out with a gathering of people enjoying a drink of choice (mine was water). It was nice getting caught up with what others have been doing. Sure we meet every week, but we don’t usually have an opportunity to just ‘chit chat’. Continue reading
A Year of Reflection
Written by Mary Stephenson 6-5-2017
On June 2nd many of us showed up at Sycamore School for the last day of school BBQ. Except there was no cooking to be done.
To be truthful, we didn’t mind.
So I think I have eaten more hot dogs in the past year than in probably the past five. After the kids are all served we get to eat.