Redding Breakfast Lions Club

We Serve

Veterans and Volunteer Days of Celebration

Written by Mary Stephenson  5-26-2017


Drums, recorders, violins, symbols and even an old helicopter towed in for the kids to see.


It was a grand event on the 24th of May.


This far exceeded last year’s event. Very proud of the kids at Sycamore School.


They are taking music classes this year and have improved so much over their last performance a few months ago.

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Laughter is Good

May 20, 2017

I can’t take credit for any of this, but thought you would get a good laugh.

These are funny signs.

Check these out:


We will heel you
We will save your sole
We will even dye for you.
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On a Blustery Day

Written by Mary Stephenson 5-8-2017

2017 Rummage Sale

On Sunday, May 7th we all participated in the Big Rummage Sale in Redding. Should have been a simple raise funds and enjoying each other’s company. Which by the way it was!


We started to arrive a bit before 5 AM. It is really dark that time of the morning even with lights on in the parking lot.


By 7 AM we were ready to start selling. Had the tables all full and as the day progressed we moved stuff forward and was able to start eliminating tables. 

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Insight, Connections and Inspiring

Written by Mary Stephenson 4-24-2017


Our second convention and this was better than the first one. Last year we started out rather apprehensive about the whole affair, but soon became comfortable after the first day.


Now that we know more Lions our conversations are a pickup from the last time we met. Also understanding who is who and the protocol for how things are supposed to be and when, really helps. The Food Fair was again a big hit, with this year’s theme “Earth Day”. Continue reading

Open House at Sycamore

Written by Mary Stephenson  (3-22-2017)


Jim, Judy, Gary and I all went to Sycamore School to help prepare and handout a hot dog dinner yesterday.


It was for an Open House event for parents, students and teachers.


Always a pleasure serving the youngsters of Sycamore, they are very well behaved.


We were pleasantly surprised by many of the students accomplishments with musical instruments. When Susanna had told us that there would be music we were not expecting that the kids would be the entertainment. Violins, drums and keyboard.


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H&R Block

H&R Block has teamed up

with our club.

Please download form

Help us give back to our community.

District 4C1 Lions

Info and Mane Lion


Weekly Meeting

We meet every Thursday

7:00 AM at

Country Waffles in Redding

Vision Testing

ESYAC – Donate Food

Eagles Soar Youth Activity Center

Program for Helping Youth.

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Great NonProfits

Lions District 4-C1

Disaster Response Team PDF