Redding Breakfast Lions Club

We Serve

It is All About Your Audience

Written by Mary Stephenson 3-4-2017


Old marketing terms ringing heavily in my brain: Know Your Audience.


This was a lesson I should have taken in to account on Thursday.


Gary and I had gone over to Sycamore School after last Thursday’s meeting by the request of Principal Susanna Winstead.


Just a simple little task of reading a Dr. Seuss book to kids.

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Party Animals and Conventions

Written by Mary Stephenson 2-20-2017


Got up Sunday morning only to discover, some had been having far too much fun the night before! There had been a party going on under my kitchen sink. By the looks of the mess, and things knocked over, it was either mice (one could not have caused that much havoc), a rat or most likely the culprit…a ground squirrel. At least they didn’t figure out how to kick open the door and have free run of the house.


We have formed a committee for fundraising. Our first meeting was after the general meeting on Thursday. We made progress and all shared a lot of great ideas that we are following up with.

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January Party

Written by Mary Stephenson  (1-29-2017)


Everyone that showed up for the Crab Party on the 28th, I hope had a great time. We sure did.


Hats off to Charlie Duncan and Ron Mino putting on a great event. The weather definitely was kind to us, could not have asked for a better day in January.


If you happened to arrived early you might have gotten one of those teachable moments! Yes, some of us learned something we can take with us for future events we might attend. Continue reading

Fascinating Life

Written by Mary Stephenson (1-10-2017)


The ad to your right is from a little local newspaper where I grew up. “Driftwood” and November 16, 1961 was the date.(removed for data space)


A number of years ago I was looking for an interesting incident that I was surprised never was reported in the Driftwood. But then I found this ad, which made me chuckle.


The reason this even came to mind was how we have progressed from those days. A toaster! Could you see kids today being the tiniest bit fascinated by bread popping up. Uh, well maybe if you were a year old.

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Christmas Parties And Memories

Written by Mary Stephenson


Ah, the time of year folks get together.  Celebrations with those we know.  Grateful for the blessings of having people around us.


Remembering those bygone years.  When we were young and filled with such energy and excitement, waiting for St. Nick.


There were plays at school with all kids having to participate for each classes’ performance.  I really didn’t like performing and was always grateful they didn’t give me any big parts.  Then there were the Sunday School programs.  Being involved with them and when I got old enough I did get to play “Mary”. Continue reading

H&R Block

H&R Block has teamed up

with our club.

Please download form

Help us give back to our community.

District 4C1 Lions

Info and Mane Lion


Weekly Meeting

We meet every Thursday

7:00 AM at

Country Waffles in Redding

Vision Testing

ESYAC – Donate Food

Eagles Soar Youth Activity Center

Program for Helping Youth.

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Great NonProfits

Lions District 4-C1

Disaster Response Team PDF