Do You Know What Day It Is?
Written by Mary Stephenson
Today is December 15th, 2016 and you probably didn’t know what day it is. Looking up on the trusty National Calendar Days I found out.
Drum roll please…. Cat Herders Day.
If you have ever tried to herd cats you will soon find out it is pretty much impossible. The close proximity I came to that was having a number of cats that were motivated by food. I was able to play the Pied Piper and for the most part they followed. There was a few times that no matter what I tried there was one hold out that would just not follow. Probably wasn’t hungry at the time. Continue reading
A Cold December Morning
Written by Mary Stephenson
After scrapping ice off the windows on the car we headed out for Sycamore School.
Was a reminder of days when this task was done more often. Glad for retirement, where most days we enjoy the warmth inside and the pleasure of drinking a cup of coffee.
Today (12-7-16) we were scheduled for a meeting at 9 AM. Jim, Ernie, Gary and I were to meet with Susanna and Olivia at the school.
Our original plans were aborted last month and we regrouped as to a new approach.
Riverfront Playhouse and Our Night Out
Written by Mary Stephenson
What a wonderful way to hit of the Holiday Season!
Riverfront Playhouse put on a terrific play “The Man Who Came to Dinner”. I thoroughly enjoyed it, hopefully everyone else did.
The extra added part about the “Lions Club” was a super bonus just for us. (They told me it was not part of the script and since it worked they decided to add it.)
Road Trip
Written by Mary Stephenson
All the makings of a road trip.
Reluctant to accept an invitation a few weeks back. Did not want to commit to something that at the time was iffy about doing. With tooth extraction and then suffering a little with vertigo afterwards, the thought of an unfamiliar setting was not my idea of fun.
Back to normal and when they still needed volunteers I said okay.
Jim, Ernie, Gary and I all decided to go together.
Lessons I Learned From Kids
Written by Mary Stephenson
The vision testing in the local schools has been a very interesting experience. Not only the frustrations of the technical nature which we have experienced for the past month but being an observer.
Innocence of small children can leave you with warm fuzzy feelings and smiles.
One recent experience was Jim trying to get kids to laugh. He was joking around with a couple of twin boys. After 4 tries and not even a smile, although their classmates were laughing so much they couldn’t sit still. He couldn’t even get an annoyed reaction out of them. The take away from this… some people are just not born with a sense of humor! Probably easy for their parents to raise them as they would not be inclined to try pranks. Continue reading