Redding Breakfast Lions Club

We Serve

November – Stuff You Probably Never Knew!

Written by Mary Stephenson


Winding down the end of October and wondering what to write.  With our Riverfront Playhouse Event on the 22nd and Thanksgiving shortly after…wondered what also happens in November.


Google is the go to place for many a perplexing issue and sure enough there was more than I had bargained for.


November 1st, this one is for Jim.  National Authors’ Day.  Also, besides many others on the 1st is National Cook For Your Pet Day.


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Party Time and Culinary Delight

Written by Mary Stephenson


Ah, my second time playing Bunco!  A year ago I was introduced to the game.  Heard of Bunco Squad before but never knew what it was referring to, until the other week when trying to find history on the game.  Wikipedia is a great source for about any questions you might want an answer for.


Potluck is a great way to go.  Always thought they were fun and definitely easier on the hosting home.  There was plenty of wonderful delights to choose from.  Hot dishes, salads, bread, crackers, meat, cheese, even “spider” deviled eggs (which brought a chuckle).  I know I didn’t try everything, but what I had was delicious.

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Waiting For the Rain

Written by Mary Stephenson


We had District Governor Jamie Hart visit us on October 6th.  The question always remains…”were we on our best behavior?”  Probably not, but our Lion President made up for it by wearing shirt and tie (3 stooges tie)!  But what can you possibly expect from the “wild bunch” anyways!


Some of us went and had another meeting with Susanna Winstead of Sycamore School on October 10th.  There will be a follow-up meeting on November 7th.


On the 10th we also went to Redding Library and presented them a check, for the Shasta County Library Literacy Program.


October 11th we did vision testing at Grant School and the 17th we will be at Manzanita School.


Coming up on October 22nd is another fun night with potluck and Bunco.  Starting at 4:30 pm.

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Is it Oktoberfest or Just Anything October?

Written by Mary Stephenson


Although we are happy for Kurt and Debby, we shall miss them immensely. Being with family you love is one of the most important things in life.


Gary and I met Kurt almost a year ago at the Lion’s Fall Fair in Shasta Fairgrounds.  A day that has forever changed our lives.


If you had told us 2 years ago that we would be visiting schools more in one year than we had in the last 30, I would not have believed it.


Before arriving to Shasta County we had considered for the remaining years, if possible to try to make a difference in some way, not sure as to how or where.

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Six Months For This Site

written by Mary Stephenson


How time flies!


If anybody has thought about, been counting or maybe even wondering, the site has been up for six months.  Home page was first published on March 30, 2016.  It has changed and will constantly change.


This is post 24.  Last week due to under the hood techie issues we felt it was better not to post anything.  Minimal changes were made.


Today was the Turtle Bay Run.  Cooler was nice, but I am sure the rain was not appreciated.  Would have been nice if it had held off until later in the day. Continue reading

H&R Block

H&R Block has teamed up

with our club.

Please download form

Help us give back to our community.

District 4C1 Lions

Info and Mane Lion


Weekly Meeting

We meet every Thursday

7:00 AM at

Country Waffles in Redding

Vision Testing

ESYAC – Donate Food

Eagles Soar Youth Activity Center

Program for Helping Youth.

Connect to Website

Great NonProfits

Lions District 4-C1

Disaster Response Team PDF