From a Different Perspective
written by Mary Stephenson
Prior going to the Lions District 4-C1 58th Annual Convention on Friday April 29th I had wrote out some thoughts and have since deleted them.
Not knowing if I would be bored silly or have a lot to report the other alternative was to approach the event with a perspective on psychology.
As the weekend moved along things began to take shape and the many questions of what motivates people came to light. Continue reading
Redding’s Hottest Lions Event
written by: Mary Stephenson
We Had a Blast!
With much apprehension we proceeded to the Red Lion for the 58th Annual Convention, Friday afternoon. Was this another case of the newbies once again being thrown to the wolves (aka the Redding Newcomers Group). Continue reading
Where Do We Begin?
written by: Mary Stephenson
Looking out the window across the grassy field stands an old oak tree with broken branches and a blackened trunk like a tattered old coat, it holds within the history of all those years it has stood.
Arriving here in June of 2015 other than knowing the name of the “Lions” organization I knew nothing of who they are or what they did. The Lions being around longer than I have been alive is a tribute to their honorable contributions to the world. The Lions are not like the old oak tree that will eventually fade away. Continue reading