Preston Sharp’s Visit
December 29, 2022
We were again honored to have Preston Sharp at our Lion’s meeting today.
How time has flown by since this quiet spoken young man first came to our meeting to present his mission of putting flags and red carnations on Veteran’s graves.
His first visit I remember well.
You could hear a pin drop. Everyone was on the edge of their seats, straining to hear what this young lad had to say. He was shy and most of us couldn’t make out the words. Lots of questions and with Jim Reimer intervening to get a few nods and affirmations from Preston he made it thorough the meeting. I’m sure he was scared and our hearts went out to his bravery.
Annual Christmas Party 2022
December 11, 2022
It was nice to have an official Christmas Party again.
A great big thanks to all that planned and put together this event. Although the group was smaller than in 2019, it was fun. The smaller room made it much cozier with less people.
Beautiful day. We got to enjoy the spectacular view from our vantage point at the Riverview Country Club.
The food was great. Continue reading
December 2022 Activities
December 6, 2022
It has been an incredible long time since I last wrote a post.
There has been a lot that has transpired in that block of time. But emails have been sent and updates on pages, so I’ve not been completely absent from this site. Want to thank Ava and Jennina for the videos that I’m able to share over on our Facebook page.
We have had a lot of super speakers. So happy for those that have taken on the task, making it an enjoyable meeting each week. Lots of “senior programs” that someday I might need. Nice to know they are out there. Have passed some info on to ones I know could use it.
Zone Chairman Visit
July 2022
The 21st meeting we had a representative from NVCSS to tell us all about the upcoming event at the Kohl’s Shopping Spree being held on August 6th. Starts early and besides the shopping of clothes, he talked about backpacks for school. Also sounds like they get a snack after the shopping.
We had a surprise visit from the Lions 4C1 District Zone Chairman. Lion Niki Manning from Lakehead Lions. Lovely lady. I have known her for a number of years. Ran into her one time at Costco and spent time talking with her at the Lion Conventions over the years.
July Meeting and Installation Party
July 2022 by Mary Stephenson

Ava Manuel – Author
July 7th meeting we were honored with an eye-opening slide show from our own Lion Ava. She has been working hard on a book about COVID. Her explanation of how this virus works has given us a better understanding of why it has no boundaries. How it ravishes the body for some and not for others. Why some die and why some have long term effects and others walk away unscathed.
How it will all pan out for everyone in the future remains a mystery. The unknowns are probably the scariest.