Redding Breakfast Lions Club

We Serve

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Remembering Lion Charlie Duncan

Written by Mary Stephenson March 24, 2022  

One of Redding Breakfast Lions Club’s oldest members, Lion Charlie Duncan is no longer with us.  As each one had the floor this morning there were some very fond memories shared. All depicting his character of kindness and the laughs he provided.


I always got a kick out of his years of experience. I tried to write it down one day, but didn’t get my pen out fast enough. Maybe he was 150 years old. Just kidding, but he definitely lived a very busy life.


We were also honored to have District Governor Lion Karen Crook visit. Reminding us all about the Lion Convention on April 8th, 9th, and 10th.

Lion Egon gave us some of his childhood history and as a young man going to Canada (my homeland).

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Sycamore School RBLC Awards

June 1, 2021

Good Citizenship Awards


Last week we took over the Redding Breakfast Lions Club “Good Citizenship” Awards and key chains, to Sycamore School.


Due to the virus we couldn’t present them to the students.


They will be given to the students on the last day of school which is June 4th.


The following students receiving these awards are:

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2020 Reflection

Written by Mary Stephenson 9-21-2020

This year has been an ultimate test.


We all have had to adjust our lives in serious ways. Never would have we thought a year ago that something like this could happen.


The last time I have seen any Lion’s was March 14th at the wonderful BBQ. It was a last great event to remember, thank you Doyle and Brenda.

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BBQ 2020

Written by Mary Stephenson 3-15-2020


moseley family cellars


Well Doyle was right. It was the best chicken I have ever tasted.


After many years of having an Annual Crab Feed and yet still wanting to gather together socially the decision to have a barbecue was a great idea. The best part it was less hours on the members that so graciously put it altogether for us. Arrange it, pay for it, and clean up. Less trouble than a crab feed. This is not to make light of those that did the work of putting it all together for us chums that paid our fee and showed up.

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Speakers, Vision, and More

Written by Mary Stephenson 2-16-2020

Been a lapse of time since my last post. Although I have done a number of emails to keep everyone up on what is happening.


Last meeting we had the Lion’s Annual Speaker Contest for our club. Once a year we are on our best behavior during a meeting.

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H&R Block

H&R Block has teamed up

with our club.

Please download form

Help us give back to our community.

District 4C1 Lions

Info and Mane Lion


Weekly Meeting

We meet every Thursday

7:00 AM at

Country Waffles in Redding

Vision Testing

ESYAC – Donate Food

Eagles Soar Youth Activity Center

Program for Helping Youth.

Connect to Website

Great NonProfits

Lions District 4-C1

Disaster Response Team PDF