Redding Breakfast Lions Club

We Serve

Christmas Party and Santa Helpers

Lions Christmas Party

2019 Christmas Party

Written by Mary Stephenson 12-18-2019

December 8th we had our Annual Christmas Party at the Riverview Country Club. Great party organized by Dave Simpson and Jeff Silva… and we know their wonderful wives were behind all, that made it spectacular. Lots of raffle items this year. This was a nice way to start off the week.

December 9th to 13th we had the Sycamore School Santa Workshop. Gary and I attended the set-up on the 6th, to get a layout of where everything was going to take place and how the items were going to be displayed.

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October 2019 Events

Written by Mary Stephenson 10-17-2019


Lions on Race Day

October starts off with a bang; our Annual Turtle Bay Race. This year the weather blessed the day with sunshine, making it a wonderful day for the runners and volunteers. I believe there were 216 signed up to run and 193 that completed the race. Good fundraiser for the year. Great planning by Egon Harrasser and Ole Jensen. Plans are already underway for next year.



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September Days and a Tour

Written by Mary Stephenson 9-13-2019

The crazy week started on Friday, 9-6. When you are retired weeks can begin almost any day. Thursday always feels like a Friday and then I have to look at the computer to figure out what day it really is.


At 9:00 AM, 6 of us showed up to have a meeting with the new principal of Sycamore School. We had a little pronunciation lesson of Angie’s last name, Biancalana. I think it will take me a while to figure out that one.


We talked about what the Lions have done in the past at Sycamore. Continue reading

Anyone Inspired?

Written by Mary Stephenson 7-25-2019

For our July 25th meeting we had a visitation from our new District Governor Elisa Coyle and company. With their presentations to our club, I believe we need to look at membership in different terms.


We all have our pet projects and they are worthwhile in every aspect of our endeavors. It becomes, how can we plug in others where we have managed without them. Are they the kinds of projects that would interest younger folks? What would members of the community embrace and give us their all, if they were included?


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The First Week of June

Written by Mary Stephenson June 6, 2019


Doyle Fry our new president for 2019-2020

With the weird weather of the prior weekend we enjoyed the blue sky and no fear of being battered by hailstones.


It began with the Installation Party on June 2nd, for the new club officers, with Doyle Fry taking the leap into leadership. Wishing him all the best for the year ahead.


A fun party, and I think everybody enjoyed the food. Nice to get together with people we haven’t seen in a while. Loved the entertainment, “Off the Charts” did a great job.


We were honored to have Preston Sharp, his mother, and grandmother at our event. History with Preston Sharp goes back to when Jim Reimer first noticed Preston on the news.

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H&R Block

H&R Block has teamed up

with our club.

Please download form

Help us give back to our community.

District 4C1 Lions

Info and Mane Lion


Weekly Meeting

We meet every Thursday

7:00 AM at

Country Waffles in Redding

Vision Testing

ESYAC – Donate Food

Eagles Soar Youth Activity Center

Program for Helping Youth.

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Great NonProfits

Lions District 4-C1

Disaster Response Team PDF