No Fly-Away Missiles
Written by Mary Stephenson 5-8-2019

Lion’s Booth
We braved the early morning hours to set-up a vendor booth for the Billy and Patrick’s Annual Big Sale on May 5, 2019.
Arriving before 6 AM… wow we don’t even do that for our early morning meetings. But, we were there with bells on eager to make some money for our charity.
Sold stuff before opening hour of 7. Good start to the day and I think we did pretty good of getting rid of most everything we had.
The American Patriot
Rob Burroughs, director of Northern California Veterans Museum & Homeward Bound Program for Military Families, spoke to us for an hour. He talked about his family in the military, his father, grandfather. And how soldiers stayed and fought in WW1 and WW2 until it was over. But after those wars things became different.
2019 Lions District Convention
Written by Mary Stephenson 4-15-2019
The 61st Annual District Convention for the 4-C1 officially opened on April 12th at 2:30 PM. It ended on April 14th at 11:05 AM with joining hands and singing Auld Lang Syne.
What happened in between the open and close I will share the hours we attended. (Did not stay late for the parties.)
Conventions can inspire, educate, provide laughs, bring together like-minded people, meet folks you haven’t seen in a year, and meet new Lions. Continue reading
24th Annual Lions All-Star Basketball Game
24th Annual Lions All-Star Basketball Game Results – Simpson University
March 31, 2019 By Jim Reimer
Fifty-one players representing twenty-six northern California schools played in the 24th Annual Lions All-Star Basketball game Sunday afternoon at Simpson University. Many of the players were fresh off league and state playoff activity which ended in mid-March. Both the boys’ and girls’ teams were laced with a number of all-league players and several MVPs including U-Prep Coach of the Year, Mark Stephens, who coached his South Boys team to an 87-74 victory. The South Girls team was also victorious with an 82-64 win.
Sycamore School Flag Presentation
Written by Mary Stephenson 3-6-2019
It has been a long time since my last post.
Today we went to Sycamore School and gave a presentation to the fifth grade class.
The event was conducted by Egon and Ernie. The rest of us helped pass out the brochures and flags to the children. Present was Andy, Egon, Ernie, Ron, Janet, Gary, and myself. Continue reading