We Serve

An Open Letter to Our President

Written by Mary Stephenson


El Presidente shall not let me slide on my “one word” wee hour inspiration.  For those of you who don’t recall you can refer to this previous post.  The word was stagnant.


Can’t help that my best comes through at 3:00 in the morning!  Anyways it is more of what I envision as opposed to the actual word.


Stagnant referred to was the placement of “Home” page on the website.  All was transferred over with a few slight updates from our old site.  Although well written it was becoming a stagnant placement for it.  The whole page information has now been transferred to a better place “About Us” page.  Now the “Home” page can be updated and changed as new things evolve in the club.


Also in the post I had mentioned working smarter, not harder.


As much as I understand the need to generate money for our projects, I also know that it is really not much fun heading people up to buy tickets.


Not wanting to buy all 100 tickets this year, we set out to visit stores.  It was rewarding in some cases where people were genuinely interested.  We had many great conversations, but on the other hand it was extremely time consuming.


Being new to the area we did not have a circle of people we knew.  People that we had just met through a few groups we were involved in…well… some were fine with being sold to and others not so keen.  Not so great if you want to make “Brownie Points” with new folks.


I would rather beat the keyboard and stare at the computer screen building this website. 


Hours spent focusing on more efficient ways of creating fundraising via the internet and gathering support from the community in a grander scale, I feel are better use of time. 


We are both pursuing these methods, although it takes awhile to implement I think the endeavor will be well worth the effort.


2 Responses to An Open Letter to Our President

  • Real nicely put Mary.

    Thanks for all the great work on the site.

    • Hi Stan
      The frustration of the Home page has been brewing for awhile. I do believe the issue is resolved without losing anything. As I learn through the courses I am taking as to what works best, there will be changes. Worked a little on the Home page yesterday and it is becoming more of what needs to be done. It is always and always will be a work in progress.

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