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What are the Lions doing with Cupcakes?

Written by Mary Stephenson


First day of school and how I ended up there!


Really not sure what we had unwittingly agreed to, but here we were with “bells on“.


My daughter was always thrilled about the first day of school, but I can’t remember ever feeling that way.  All it meant was the end of summer which ended up interrupting my activities of swimming, fishing, sewing, biking and lots of other fun stuff. I was quite happy playing with my youngest brother and the neighborhood boys.


I didn’t even mind the activities of weeding the garden, raking grass, picking blackberries and the assorted picnics we got to go on.  Much more fun than cracking the books.


End of summer also meant the end of such flying things as wasps and bees coming into open windows and doors. My youngest brother was highly allergic to them and therefore he got really good at annihilating them with a folded newspaper.


Back to August 17, 2016. Our duties for the day was to arrive at two local stores by 9:30 to pickup cupcakes for the kids and 8 red balloons.  185 cupcakes boxed in boxes to protect them from tipping over, take up an incredible amount of space.  So it was one trip in the car for them and back to the other store for the balloons.


Our duties were to divide the cupcakes into the amount needed for each class.  Olivia took the balloons into the lunch room and I believe they were going to be part of the theme for the day.  (Cupcake icing was also red!)


Olivia had been teaching some of the kids over summer a play called “The Little Red Hen” and that was going to be performed on the first day of school.


As we were in Room 13 sorting out the cupcakes we spotted 4 pretty blue chairs for the kids and with approval we grabbed them and put them in the PALZ room.  And no, it is not quite done yet, unfortunately the first day does not await the room being completed.


Anyways, our duties for Sycamore School were not too demanding and off we departed shortly before 11 AM.

2 Responses to What are the Lions doing with Cupcakes?

  • That’s how the first day of school felt for me s well. A fun piece. Thank you!


    • Hi Stan
      One winter we had so much snow the school buses didn’t run for over 2 weeks. My mother had setup some workbooks for my brother and I, we got to be home schooled for that time period. A whole lot more fun than attending school. When we were done we went sleigh riding.

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