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PTA Meeting and Santa Shop

Written by Mary Stephenson 1-16-2018


If you had told me 3 years ago I would be going to a PTA meeting…well “No way” would have been my reply.


Somehow we got talked into going on January 11th. Apparently, we are going to the next one also!


To top this all off…this was my very first PTA meeting. We raised one child and honestly I don’t remember if they had a PTA in any of the three schools she went to. But if they did I was never aware of it or ever invited. Probably a good lesson in why people don’t join the Lions…they are never invited.


This was an experience as to what the PTA does.


When we had a meeting with Susanna back in November she had talked about all the activities that were going to happen for the year. Little did I know that the PTA is making much of it happen.


The Santa Shop was run by members of the PTA and any volunteers they could round-up. They were grateful for all the Lions that participated and want us to help next year.


We talked about the problems that we had and what needs to change. They appreciated our input and how it can be more of a success next time. As I had requested last month for things we all can do for free and somethings we can do that will cost. Will provide a list at the end of this post and will also put it under “Events” as Santa Shop.


Collecting things through out the year makes it easier and we can put them in a box to be brought out in first part of December.


We talked about learning experiences for the children. Such as shopping without parents and basic store etiquette. The purpose for the store is an opportunity for the children to make purchases for their family and in some cases just for themselves. But also the PTA would like to make enough to fund things such as dances and other activities.


During the Santa Shop they had to go out many times and purchase more things for the kids to buy. We ran out of wrapping paper. Lucky that there was bright green and red construction paper in the room. It wasn’t too awkward to wrap with, but if we had not used it, the last 4 or 5 kids would not have had their gifts wrapped. Hopefully that will not happen next time.


There is going to be a school dance at Sycamore on February 16th from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. They need about 8 people to help. Since we adopted Sycamore School we also need to volunteer when we can. Gary and I will be there for the dance (we will all be serving food and drinks).


And the school dance will be another first for me…broadening my horizons! Lots of new firsts since I moved to Shasta County.


The PTA meeting was very informative and very glad we bit the bullet and went.


3 Responses to PTA Meeting and Santa Shop

  • Thanks Mary.

  • Good job Mary and Gary!
    Janet and I may be able to help at the dance if they do not get enough parents to volunteer.
    The board included Sycamore School and the ESYAC in our proposed budget for next year!! I think Sycamore is a great place to direct our efforts as a club.
    Thanks for all your hard work.
    See you Thursday.

    • They get very little help from the parents. Those that are volunteering seem mostly to be chaperoning the dance. They needed us to help with refreshments. Will send out a pass around list in a week or two. The next PTA meeting is February 1st.

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