We Serve

2018 Crab Feed

Written by Mary Stephenson  1-22-2018


Saturday evening the weather was wonderful for a night out. No rain, no wind, a pleasant January day.


Huge crowd of people this year and with everyone I talked to they had a marvelous time. I am sure it will be on their go to list for next year’s fun.


A big heartfelt thanks to Charlie Duncan and Ron Mino for the planning of this annual event. Thanks to all that helped them through out the evening.


A big thank you to Mike Ferrier for all the extras he did above and beyond the music. What a guy!


My intentions 2 weeks ago was come and help before and after the event. Also to really get out and be a social butterfly! Well mother nature decided differently and I wasn’t even sure until mid-afternoon Saturday if I could make it. So glad I was able to…but kept my distance from everyone just in case.


The crab was good. I finally learned it was more enjoyable to spend the time taking the crab apart first and then chowing down on it later. Love the carrot cake. My request was to have lots of frosting and Mike so nicely handed me the corner piece! 🙂


It was a surprise to see the oysters and I know many were very delighted. Not something I wanted and was happy to give up my share…


Nice to be able to have great dinner conversations this year. Last year the music was so loud when we were eating I couldn’t hear anyone unless they were sitting beside me. Much more pleasant this time and our table could interact with each other…which added to the delight of an enjoyable evening.


Would have danced if I had felt better but, sometimes things go like that and you just go with the punches.


Had a super great time and already looking forward to 2019 Crab Feed.

7 Responses to 2018 Crab Feed

  • Want to thank all the people, some I had never met before, for all the help with the event. With out the extra hands it would have been a long night.

    Special thank to Bill Ralston and Dave Simpson for getting the oysters and cooking them along with Ken Hess for bring the grill.

    Also thanks to Ray Tickner and Mary for the great job running the raffle.

    Thanks also to Crab Feed Chairman Charlie Duncan, my friend, for all the work he did and for not saying “I told you so” when he told me we would run out of beer and we did.

    • A great party. Worth the money to heat the Duncan-Mino banter. Food and fellowship was fantastic. Great job guys.

  • The best one yet. Thanks CHARLIE and RON for a job well done. Don’t they make a nice couple I mean team?

    • Thanks Charlie and Ron for a great evening. The oysters were great as well, thanks Bill, Dave and Dan, and the crab was superb. I pledge my help for next year’s Crab Feed.

  • Thanks for the invitation to come out and play. It was fine fun to once again help a great club. Can’t remember the last time I had a request for Glenn Miller music and with the technology of the day I was able to get Arch up and dancing. I was happy to hear a couple of you ask my helper Carol to come see your club,..Mine,Mine, Mine. I am on the MD4 Membership Team.


  • Charlie & Ron: As usual a great job. Plenty of good crab and fixings. Once we got Mike to the right era for dancing music the dancing was fun.

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