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Bunco Party Night 2017

Written by Mary Stephenson  11-12-2017


Once a year Bunco Party celebration was held last night. I could say something simple like a good time was had by all. But then that would be expected and boring.


So here I am again to give my observations on the evening.


The first time I was introduced to the game was back in November of 2015. Yep, this makes it my third time up to bat!


The introvert me was extremely uncomfortable with the situation in 2015. Barely a Lion by that time, actually might not have been a member yet. Playing a game I never heard of and my moral support quickly swept away from me after a few games as we changed partners and tables. What was I getting myself into? Before you go thinking any wimpy things…the Redding Breakfast Lions group of guys (and you were all guys until I showed up) are a very wild and rowdy bunch. Yes, there were your wives there, but I was definitely on unfamiliar territory. The warehouse job I had was a precursor for it, although not entirely, as I was low-man on the totem pole at the Redding Breakfast Club.


Last year after getting involved with projects and a bit more comfortable with the rowdy bunch, I was a bit more prepared. Even looked up how to play the game, yet still a little in the dark. Great instructions but needs to not be as complicated as when you try to read them. 2016 was definitely more enjoyable than the newbie of 2015 experience. Had some good laughs last year. Carting around the “teddy bear” and the “bobble-head” as partners. Last year’s post.


Here I am a day after our 2017 fun evening. Yes, I really had a good time! I can contribute that to knowing everyone better, moving my introvert to center stage, not being the newbie, and now I finally figured out the simple rules. Rules never need to be that complicated when they can be explained in just a few words.


My take on the rules and maybe I might not be right.


“TABLE #1 Rules” (sort of like “cats rule” or “Mom rules the house”, just in case there is any misunderstanding.)


Winners stay at Table #1. (Losers are banned to the last table.)


All other table winners move up to the next table. (One loser could stay at a table forever.) Heaven forbid if you are stuck in a room away from everyone else…hey the party is going on without you!


1 point for each dice rolled that’s the same as the number you’re working on (keep rolling until you no longer come up with the number [such as rolling for 2’s and you don’t get anymore 2’s] )


3 of a kind gets you five points and a chance to roll again. (Game is played with 3 dice.)


If your “Game is rolling for a number such as five” and you roll 3 – 5’s you get a BUNCO and your team gets 21 points.


When TABLE #1 gets a total of 21 points the “Game” is over and everyone plays musical chairs. One winner from TABLE #1 can remain seated and one Loser from each table can remain seated.


Bunco is a like a game of musical chairs for adults…only difference is you always have a place to sit!


Super time, lots of great laughs, yummy food.


I think I need to practice my dice throwing technique!


4 Responses to Bunco Party Night 2017

  • Very nice commentary about last night’s Bunko party! Thanks for sharing your take on the rules. Every year Judy and I forget them also, so we’ll appreciate this post for a quick refresher for next year!
    Great friends and a great party! It’s a great way to get to know our fellow lions, new and old, just a little better, which is always nice…..especially silverware thiefs!
    Thanks again for your kind words.

    • Silverware thief…! Cannot be responsible for the light-fingered Lion.
      Probably should reference the instructions for next year. I think I need to practice how to make the dice bounce to 3 of a kind. Maybe after a year I will have the magic touch. If I ever go and dig up the dice and take the time to do it. Glad you liked the post and we had a great time getting together for the evening.

  • Thanks to all that cooked and brought great snacks and food and thanks to Bill & his bride for the use of their house, preparations, and mess we all made. The group was outstanding, and I only met 1/2 of them because I lost most of the time. I partnered with Bills neighbor most of the night so we had a lot of discussions about joining the Lions Club. Being old, and forgetful, I think his name was Phill???

    • Absolutely Charlie! A BIG thanks to Bill and Teri. Had a great time and the food was great. I believe Bill’s neighbor was Jeff. Thanks for commenting. Mary

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