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Gold Bullion

Written by Mary Stephenson 5-2-2018


Lions Convention in Anderson CA

              Gold Bullion

The gold bullion was everywhere. You just had to hunt for it. Under bushes, behind trees, in the grass and sometimes in plain sight. Once I figured out I was looking too hard, they miraculously showed up in my vision.


They had put out 500 Thursday evening and in the morning they had vanished. So much for well hidden treasure! It rained Saturday and not sure if they put much out, but was not going to go out in the rain hunting for them. Janet gave me her 14 coins and with the 24 I had, still was not the luckiest treasure hunter. Bill from Loma Rica got 74 and won the prize, which I can’t remember what it was as many prizes were being handed out for many of the events for the weekend.


The convention started off at 2:30 pm on Friday afternoon. At 4:00 pm they had a cocktail party. Lots of yummy snacks in preparation for the Food Fair. So you eat and drink and then eat and drink some more!


We had to wait before and after the cocktail party, which gave us time to hunt for that gold bullion! Sort of like an Easter Egg Hunt for adults. You had a little bag to put your coins in instead of a basket. The Gaia grounds are pretty and so it was a great setting to enjoy wandering around.


Lions Convention 2018

Ron and Janet

Food Fair was a lot of fun. I was going to participate in the coloring contest again this year, but after trying to color the pirate picture on top of a tablecloth with crayons, I decided to abandon the task. Realizing crayons were not my thing and I am sure they would not allow me to use colored markers (didn’t have any with me, but it would have been a lot more fun).


Food for the fair was brought by other clubs that participated. Little tiny hot dogs in a tiny little bun (smallest we have ever seen – actually pretty cute). Chicken skewers, chicken legs, 3 kinds of meatballs, rum cola (with a heck of a lot of rum), peaches and wine, salad, deviled eggs, peg legs (which was a long pretzel stick), rum cake, ice cream and sherbet. I may have left something out but that was close to what was for us to try.


They had a “Little Reno Night” you pay for a container of chips and take to the table to play. I don’t think any of the dealers would make it in Reno! At the end of the games people cashed in their chips and had a choice of different prizes. ($150 was made from the event)


Friday in the morning they had a golf tournament and also a Walk-A-Thon. On Saturday evening they had a Pirate Talent Competition. Did not participate or watch any of them.


Saturday after the Parade of Banners we were back in session. Melaine talked about the Make a Wish Foundation. Had many speeches over the weekend, lots of good information.


One thing they did talk about was that your service hours matter. Funding becomes more available for clubs that have put in many hours. Companies want to invest in clubs that have a lot of volunteer time over the course of a year. Of course this makes sense, as what company would want to give of their dollars if a club just takes, with no work.


Sierra Bowling Student Speaker Winner

And for the drum-roll please….. !!! The speaker contest. Our girl won! Yep, she won! Did a really great job, she had plenty of time to improve on the way she delivered her speech and she was 10 times better than when she was at our Thursday morning meeting. Now we all need to cheer her on for the next levels. We congratulated her and wished her the best. Good luck Sierra Bowling!


For a lot of fun and laughter District Governor Marianne Keesee decided to “Walk the Plank” for year end celebration (her idea). It was raining like crazy on Saturday, I was wondering if we were to go and watch the spectacle, who would get the wettest! I was glad when the time arrived, the rain had stopped. People paid her $5 for each step. She was raising money for cancer. Elisa Coyle and Jamie Hart also decided to join in on the fun and walked the plank. Between the 3 of them around $430 was raised. For some great video check this out!


On Sunday they gave out awards for the Food Fair. Weaverville Lions won best food for their “Cannonballs” which were the 3 varieties of meatballs. Lakehead Lions won for best looking booth. Elisa Coyle won best theme costume. Best poker hand was 5 Kings! (They were only playing with one deck.)


According to Mike Ferrier the Priceless Vision Clinic, they screened 213 people in 5 hours. There were 185 referrals. They also sent 2 people to the hospital. With that kind of results, we can see how much of a need there really is in the community.


Convention report: 150 registrations. Last year I remember they talked about 132. In 2019 and 2020 the convention will be held at the Red Lion in Redding… close to home everyone.


One of the questions was how do we get more members to show up for the event. Maybe you don’t want to give up your whole weekend, which is quite a commitment. They talked about a one day event. Someone suggested having it at the Elk’s Lodge and have it catered. What would it take to get you to come? The price is ridiculously low, unless you are paying for their meals and a room. They have tried a number of fun things and yes they were fun. Some people were saying the convention used to be well-attended, some said families were involved in the past. Never went years ago (wasn’t a Lion) so don’t have any idea what took place in the past that brought the Lions to the convention.


Anyways, for the new officers:

For District Governor: Sue Kerr (her theme for the year is, “Climb High, Climb Far”)

For 1st VP: Elisa Coyle

For 2nd VP: Tyler Spencer (his goal, new technology and get younger people in the clubs)

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