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Initiation Party 2024


A BIG thank you to Lion Norm and “Auxiliary Lion” Kay Overbay for providing us with a wonderful place to have our party.


Even though the day was hot, the area at their place outside was very comfortable. With fans going to keep us cool. Eating in comfort with no unwanted flying guests!


The backyard oasis was lovely to enjoy. With flowers, water features, and ornamental decor.


The meal was great. And we were lucky to have take-home leftovers. No cooking on Sunday was much appreciated.


It was nice seeing everyone and catching up on some interesting conversations.


Norm and Kay entertained us with their adventure to Canada. And their family history was fascinating. But didn’t inspire me to find out more than what I already know about my heritage. Somethings left in the past are better for me. My mother had wrote a few things about her journey and had my father dictate a 43 page history years ago.


Photos are from Norm (I think I got them all in and maybe one is a duplicate, I will fix it if I know which ones. And I know they are not in order.)

Click on any photo to enlarge and go to view in the gallery.

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