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Is it Oktoberfest or Just Anything October?

Written by Mary Stephenson


Although we are happy for Kurt and Debby, we shall miss them immensely. Being with family you love is one of the most important things in life.


Gary and I met Kurt almost a year ago at the Lion’s Fall Fair in Shasta Fairgrounds.  A day that has forever changed our lives.


If you had told us 2 years ago that we would be visiting schools more in one year than we had in the last 30, I would not have believed it.


Before arriving to Shasta County we had considered for the remaining years, if possible to try to make a difference in some way, not sure as to how or where.


Kurt was a great persuader of what being a Lion meant and rallying to the cause we could see the impact on the community.


So we all had a great time at Kurt and Debby’s “Going Away Party”.   Wow…we appreciate them actually throwing their own party…these are really special people.  Love you guys and will miss you.  Technology will keep us connected but it won’t be quite the same!




The Turtle Bay Run is over and those involved can relax for awhile.  Hopefully everyone had a good time.




Had a nice little gathering on September 30th at Olivia’s house, for those that participated in creating the PALZ room for Sycamore School.  Unfortunately, with so many different commitments not all could attend.


Coming up on October 22nd is the 43rd Annual Bunco Party.  Our first time even hearing about the game was last year and were so lucky to have been able to attend.  Just another great way to socialize with everyone.


Bunco History from Wikipedia

Bunco was originally a confidence game similar to three card monte. It originated from 19th-century England where it was known as “eight dice cloth”. It was imported to San Francisco as a gambling activity in 1855, where it gave its name to gambling parlors, or “Bunco parlors”, and more generally to any swindle. After the Civil War the game evolved to a popular parlor game. During the 1920s and Prohibition, Bunco was re-popularized as a gambling game, often associated with a speakeasy. Law-enforcement groups raiding these parlors came to be known as “Bunco squads”. Bunco as a family game saw a resurgence in popularity in the 1980s.


2 Responses to Is it Oktoberfest or Just Anything October?

  • Kurt and Debby… What a pair. Two stunningly wonderful people in my estimation. Debby has been a tremendous role model for my daughter in jar nursing career.

    Nice piece Mary. You’re a pleasure to read.


    • Hi Stan
      I agree! We wish them well but, very sad to see them leave. Feeling like we are being abandoned with having only known Kurt for less than a year. He has been a huge influence on our lives.

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