Not Just Another Thursday Meeting
Written by Mary Stephenson 7-24-2017
We were honored to have District Governor Marianne Keesee to visit our club for one of her first visits to clubs in our region on July 20th. She was accompanied by other Lions.
She gave a wonderful speech of how to get new members, including “branch” clubs. Which seems to be a solution for busy young parents. Lots of ideas to ponder.
Her special interest is diabetes as it is a subject she is personally impacted by. We learned a few things about diabetes that some of us might not have been familiar with.
After listening over the past year to many people that are holding offices within the Lions, I hear what interests them. Each are drawn to different causes as they resonate with experiences or passions. We each have our own place within the Lions and the community, all making a difference which is always the end goal.
There was lots of laughter as usual.
For us, I think we were on our best behavior. Perhaps due to the fact we didn’t have to introduce ourselves!
The D. G. was a barrel of fun. Never thought I’d discribe a D. G. meeting that way.
Yes, she was a lot of fun.