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November – Stuff You Probably Never Knew!

Written by Mary Stephenson


Winding down the end of October and wondering what to write.  With our Riverfront Playhouse Event on the 22nd and Thanksgiving shortly after…wondered what also happens in November.


Google is the go to place for many a perplexing issue and sure enough there was more than I had bargained for.


November 1st, this one is for Jim.  National Authors’ Day.  Also, besides many others on the 1st is National Cook For Your Pet Day.


November 2nd, National Deviled Egg Day.


November 3rd, National Housewife’s Day and to go along with that is National Men Make Dinner Day.  There is a theme here!


November 4th, National Candy Day and perhaps it is medication for National Stress Awareness Day.


November 5th, National Doughnut Day and National Love Your Red Hair Day.


November 6th, National Nachos Day


November 7th, National Bittersweet Chocolate with Almonds Day.


November 8th, National Harvey Wallbanger Day  (haven’t heard about those in years).


November 9th,  National Scrapple Day.  Had to go look this up!  Scrapple is a mush of pork scraps and trimmings combined with cornmeal, wheat flour and spices.


November 10th, National Vanilla Cupcake Day


November 11th, National Sundae Day


November 12th, National Pizza with the Works Except Anchovies Day  (I guess they didn’t like anchovies)!


November 13th, National Indian Pudding Day


November 14th, National Spicy Guacamole Day (looks like it has to be spicy or it doesn’t qualify).


November 15th, National Spicy Hermit Cookie Day (what! another spicy).


November 16th, National Button Day


November 17th, National Take a Hike Day


November 18th, Mickey Mouse Birthday (everybody sing now!)


November 19th, National Carbonated Beverage With Caffeine Day


November 20th, National Peanut Butter Fudge Day


November 21st, National Stuffing Day


November 22nd, National Cranberry Relish Day


November 23rd, National Cashew Day and Tie One On Day.


November 24th, National Sardines Day (maybe this is to save a turkey).


November 25th, Flossing Day (this one must be for Ron).


November 26th, National Cake Day


November 27th, National Craft Jerky Day


November 28th, National French Toast Day


November 29th, Electronic Greetings Day


November 30th, National Mousse Day and Stay Home Because You’re Well Day


Okay, who thinks of these things…!  You want to celebrate I think you can find some kind of reason with this enlightenment for sure. 


Here is the link to read all about them and find others.




4 Responses to November – Stuff You Probably Never Knew!

  • Who’d a thought!? Mr. Mouse Day was the best even got me singing a little. I’ve just made jerky last week but then every day should be jerky day. Stan

    • I can go along with most of these days except for 11-3 and 11-9. By the way I love anchovies. Stan are you going to share the jerky?

      • Hi Larry
        Well I kind of thought 11-3 was actually pretty cool…but I figure you guys would not like it much!
        11-9 didn’t sound very good and who would think they actually celebrate something like that.
        Will have to share what I find once in awhile for a good laugh.

    • Oh yeah, I was singing M-i-c-k-e-y M-o-u-s-e
      Great fun when you start checking them all out.
      Anything for a party, if you ever needed a reason.

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