We Serve

Party Time and Culinary Delight

Written by Mary Stephenson


Ah, my second time playing Bunco!  A year ago I was introduced to the game.  Heard of Bunco Squad before but never knew what it was referring to, until the other week when trying to find history on the game.  Wikipedia is a great source for about any questions you might want an answer for.


Potluck is a great way to go.  Always thought they were fun and definitely easier on the hosting home.  There was plenty of wonderful delights to choose from.  Hot dishes, salads, bread, crackers, meat, cheese, even “spider” deviled eggs (which brought a chuckle).  I know I didn’t try everything, but what I had was delicious.


Bunco started and I ended up at Table 6…which was in the bedroom.  After 7 losses in a row, I was wondering if I was ever going to get out of the bedroom.  With game 8, I was finally allowed out of the room thanks to my partner for that round.  Even with a total of 11 losses I was still not the loser.  Norm was the winner of that one at 13 losses…not sure what table he spent most of his time at!


Unfortunately Jim was not feeling well and they did not come…missed them.  There were 2 stand-ins for our missing couple.  A pumpkin bobble-head and a 38 year old teddy bear.  Didn’t get to play with the bear!  But partnered with the bobble-head for one game.  It was good for a laugh and a bit confusing trying to keep the order of the bobble-head’s turn.  (I’m just assuming the bobble-head was Jim and the lovable teddy bear was Judy.)


Once done with all 18 games the scores were tallied by Ron and Clay.  After the awards we had some yummy desserts.  Perfect ending to a super fun night!


Love this Lions group of people.  Thank you for a wonderful evening.


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