We Serve

Riverfront Playhouse and a Volkswagen Van

Written by Mary Stephenson 10-13-2017

We had a super great time at the Riverfront Playhouse enjoying their production “Two on the Aisle, Three in a Van”.


The acting was great and we enjoyed the whimsical antics of the lovely lady throwing the garbage around between scenes!


It was wonderful that Lion Roger Plato decided our event was worthy of his birthday celebration. Went I first talked to him about the date of the event he told me it was his birthday that day. I decided if he did chose our event I would make sure that bit of information would not go unnoticed. He was thrilled that we all sang Happy Birthday to him. Our second attempt at it went much better than the first.


It was nice having friends, family, and Lions from Redding Host and Enterprise Clubs, join us for the evening.


Lots of delicious dishes brought for the potluck. So many choices.


Thanks to all that made this event a success.


Thank you Lion Norm and Kay Overbay for arranging this fun evening for our club.

3 Responses to Riverfront Playhouse and a Volkswagen Van

  • Great evening. Laughed so much during the play! I wasn’t sure if it was really that funny, or if Lion Ron’s special concoction at the bar did the trick. And, to top things off, Lion Charlie’s special chili was a real “gas”.

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