We Serve

September, the Start of a New Vision Schedule

Written by Mary Stephenson 9-6-2017


As the start of a new vision screening season, we are reminded of how the Lions serve the community.


Welcomed by UPrep on September 5th gave us a new charge of energy for the three months of screening coming up. Starting with the 8th graders simplifies our tasks. They speak up and know their names…it really helps!


Soon we will be straining to hear and understand what the little ones will be saying. The challenge of the younger children is rewarded by the laughs we receive along the way. We had many funny moments last season of screening. With new kids there will surely be some surprises.


Volunteering in the vision screening program gives us an opportunity to talk between classes. We get to know each other better and also gives us time to talk about what we can do for our club. Like a brain-storming session without structured timing. Lots of great ideas and feedback develop.


With one screening down and 13 to go. Squeezed in between all of this we have our food booth on September 23rd and 24th. Turtle Bay Run on October 1st. Riverfront Playhouse Buyout on October 12th.

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