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Six Months For This Site

written by Mary Stephenson


How time flies!


If anybody has thought about, been counting or maybe even wondering, the site has been up for six months.  Home page was first published on March 30, 2016.  It has changed and will constantly change.


This is post 24.  Last week due to under the hood techie issues we felt it was better not to post anything.  Minimal changes were made.


Today was the Turtle Bay Run.  Cooler was nice, but I am sure the rain was not appreciated.  Would have been nice if it had held off until later in the day.


Turtle Bay Vision testing took place on September 26th and we will be back finishing up on October 3rd. 


Roger’s idea of taking the time to get the kids organized and test them alphabetically has proven to be a huge success.


We tested U Prep 8th graders on September 27th.  With the two cameras and refining our process it was amazingly fast.  They promised us that next year the students would all be available at once, not making this an all day affair.  With the speed at which we could run them through (the fact they speak up and know their own name helps a great deal) meant that we had a lot of down time.  Nice to visit with everyone, but far too much time between classes.


The PALZ room is done and would love to provide you with pictures.  Another “techie” issue with the computer that needs some TLC, so not able to do so now.


All the work that was done in the room has been an added plus to the school.


Had a nice gathering on Friday evening at Olivia’s house for all those that worked on the PALZ room.  Due to everyone’s schedules a few were not able to attend.  Susanna, Adam and their spouses were also there.  Lovely conversations with everyone.  I think this has been a great teaming up and a wonderful cause that our Lions are involved in.  This is only the beginning!


Jim, Kurt, Gary and I went to Sycamore School last week for a meeting.  We also got to witness the results of the programs in place. 


The Little Red Hen” program as I think it works.  Children are rewarded by cake for doing good things.  Only 24 at the end of each month can participate and only once during the year.  Of course they are still expected to keep up the good work.


Rewards, motivation, I do believe we all need that.  Great way to teach children what the real world will be like for them when they grow up and get a job.  Good lessons, not everyone gets and taking turns for being winners.


Roger has volunteered to take over the Vision Program now that Kurt is leaving.  A BIG thank you Roger!


I am happy for Kurt and Debby that they were able to sell their house so quickly.  We know they are anxious to go to Alabama.  Not so happy that they are leaving us.  Hopefully we will be able to carry on the work he has done so well.  At least with technology we can still stay in touch. 


Will be celebrating with them on the 5th for their Going Away Party.

2 Responses to Six Months For This Site

  • Nice information. 6 months of great website work!? Congratulations!

    • Hi Stan
      Had to go back and figure it out. Was surprised how fast the time has gone since we started it. A work in progress and probably always will be. So many places we are seeing the potential for the future here.

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