We Serve

We Talked, We Ate, We Laughed

Written by Mary Stephenson 6-18-2017


And the time was 5 PM, June 17, 2017.


An evening of partying all in the name of Installation of our new Lion’s Board. Any reason to party is good, especially when it’s with people you enjoy being around.


For all those that were not there…well you missed a great evening of fun and laughter!


We started out with a gathering of people enjoying a drink of choice (mine was water). It was nice getting caught up with what others have been doing. Sure we meet every week, but we don’t usually have an opportunity to just ‘chit chat’.


The food was good, but the highlight of the dinner for me was the dessert. Okay, I am partial to whatever has chocolate, especially dark chocolate!


So we ate.


Then we laughed.


Rowdy gave out gifts to the board which was quite entertaining.


Then on for the real entertainment!


Jim had written a screen play for us to act out, it was hilarious.


Even my unpreparedness of leaving my glasses at home, did not get me out of performing. Charlie was kind enough to lend me his glasses, so I could at least attempt to not look like an idiot.


It was fun. Always remembering I am among friends.


No one got a standing ovation. So I guess none of us will be packing our bags and heading to Hollywood anytime soon!


Gary and I want to thank the board for our award. It has always been just a service of love for us. Thank you.


Click here for photos of the party.


10 Responses to We Talked, We Ate, We Laughed

  • Thanks for your nice post Mary! You and Gary are well deserving of your award and we appreciate all you do for the club!
    Lame Duck

    • Hi Jim
      It was a super fun night, and thanks to your talent of writing it was made even better!

    • One of the best installation party’s of all time! Thank you to President Jim for an outstanding year leading the club; and to Mary and Gary for this website-second best communication method this club has ever had (second only to “Doc” Carrick’s Ham and Egger).
      Can’t wait for Dan reign.
      Lion Ron

      • Yes Jim did an awesome job and did so much work to have made it a huge success. (Even if we all sucked at our lines.) We had a super time.

  • A good time was had by all! Looking forward to a great year serving as your leader. Happy Father’s Day everyone!

  • Fun time and a charitable script regarding the quality of my webmastering skills.

    Truth be told Gary and Mary started from scratch. The help I gave them was shutting down the old website. Ha! Ha! Great fun.


    • Stan you have been much more valuable to us than what you realize. We have appreciated the time you have spent talking to us.

  • It sounds like it was a spectacular evening…full of fun, frolic and friendship! We were there in spirit if not in person. Kudos to Lion Jim ,Rowdy, and the rest of the club for a terrific year! Congratulations to Lion Dan and best wishes for fair winds, following seas and another marvelous year of community service under his leadership.
    Congratulations to Lions Gary and Mary for their richly deserved awards. I am so honored to have worked with them and been inspired by their commitment and dedication.
    We miss each and every one of our fellow club members and their families whose friendship, dedication to community service and fellowship has met so much to us over the years. Individually and collectively, you have a very special place in our heart

    • Hi Kurt and Deb
      We all miss you and wished you were here. It was a super fun party. With new members joining and lots of new ideas, we are moving forward in a very positive direction. Gary and I are very glad we met with you and joined the Lions. This is definitely where we belong and we feel so welcomed. Looking forward to another great year. Surprise us, come visit sometime!

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