We Serve

What Our Lion’s Club Has Been Doing

Written by Mary Stephenson


The Annual Kohl’s Shopping Spree on July 30, 2016 was a huge success again this year.


I believe it was 95 children that were the recipients  of the wonderful  generosity of Shasta County.  Having new school clothes gives a sense of pride and a new beginning for the first day of school.


Progress is still taking place at Sycamore School.  Not only our Lion’s club has rallied around to help, but a number of businesses have given donations to help in the creation of the special room.


I was in there painting by myself the other day alone with my thoughts.  All of a sudden I was bombarded with some overly excited children breaking the silence.  It was like being jarred awake from a daydream.


Olivia had been teaching them a play for the first day of school so I was alone.  She had let them come in and see what we had been doing.  They were chattering a mile a minute and so wanted to help with the painting.  I am sure if they were that delighted with the room, just imagine what they will think when it is finished.


Kurt and Gary were out on the playground with a project Susanna wanted done.  Lots of fun activities for the kids to become involved in when it is finally completed.


When children are busy they use their minds and constructive thinking takes place.  If they can have fun learning and are occupied there should be less behavioral problems on the school grounds.


Egon and Ole are still working on the Turtle Bay Run for October 2, 2016.  Now that it is certified hopefully there will be more people that want to participate.  Got to congratulate them on their hard work to put this event together.  It is quite a commitment to put any event on and I admire those that have devoted so much time to all the events that the Redding Breakfast Lions Club has put together.  As I learn more of what takes place and all the requirements my hat goes off to all of my fellow Lions.

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