We Serve

What We Learned About Grilling!

Written by Mary Stephenson 9-28-2017

As most of our members know we found ourselves running a food booth on September 23rd and 24th, at the Northern California Shasta County Military History and Combat Vehicle Show.


I think this all started back months ago when some of us had the bright idea that we needed to find more fundraisers to generate funds for the charity. This was all prior to the Giant Flea Market. Yes, and that was very successful. Although a couple of us didn’t fair too well by a flying tent.


As for the fear of flying tents this was solved by the big massive tent that was put up beside us. They had it anchored down so well, it wasn’t going anywhere. We took advantage of the situation and tied our tent to theirs. The beer group did the same for their tent. It made me feel a whole lot better, being quite assured I wasn’t going to be a causality this time around. But still being prepared with an exit plan!


Lots of rave reviews for all our grilling chefs. I am so grateful for everyone that jumped in and helped. Thanks to every Lion and family members of Lions. Without this huge participation it would not have been a success.


Looking forward to next year. Hopefully we will get more notice and be able to plan ahead better. It was a whirlwind to put it altogether. Without Ron, Bill and Teri, we would not have been able to pull it off.


So lots of notes taken so that for any future grilling events can go smoothly. It was a learning experience and I think everyone had a good time.


Grilling chefs definitely need aprons.

4 Responses to What We Learned About Grilling!

  • If you miss these things you really miss out.

    Nice work Marry

  • Thanks to all that helped make this event happen. Sorry for the conflict -will pay my fine.
    Hopefully this will start a long term partnership with the NorCal veterans that will benefit both clubs.

    Another big thanks goes to Mike Ferrier( Enterprise Lions Club) for MCing the event and providing the flag folding demonstration Sunday for the large American Flag that flies on I-5.

    Also Thank You To Snow Mountain Water(Scott Simonis) for setting up there large tent that anchored the food and beer booths; to Redding Distributing for supplying 10 cases of drinks, Pepsi Bottling who donated 10 cases of product; Sarah Simonis and Layton for donating the use of the grill we cooked on; Charlie Duncan for all the paper products, tables and use of his trailer; Gary and Mary Stephenson who ran the event when the rest of the “leaders” were not available; To Terri and Bill for there snack bar skills; Bob Frank for letting us store Charlie’s Trailer at his yard; to Ava for donating her sons to help with the cooking; new Lions Ava, Doyle and Charlie for a “trial by fire” introduction to what we do and all the other Lions who so generously gave their time.

    • Ah yes, and we missed you…but somehow survived! It was fun, even though at the idea of what we were getting into was scary and not so sure I wanted to be a part of it. As you said Ron, it was our “first rodeo”. I was thinking that maybe true, but I was there without a horse!

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