Zone Chairman Visit
July 2022
The 21st meeting we had a representative from NVCSS to tell us all about the upcoming event at the Kohl’s Shopping Spree being held on August 6th. Starts early and besides the shopping of clothes, he talked about backpacks for school. Also sounds like they get a snack after the shopping.
We had a surprise visit from the Lions 4C1 District Zone Chairman. Lion Niki Manning from Lakehead Lions. Lovely lady. I have known her for a number of years. Ran into her one time at Costco and spent time talking with her at the Lion Conventions over the years.
While she was at the meeting, she reminded us they have their own clubhouse (with bar). Lion Niki invited us to join them for dinner at the clubhouse in November. They have a potluck the third Thursday of the month. November is turkey and all the fixings. Lions Jim Reimer, Ernie, Gary and I all went there for one of those events. Had a super good time.
This would be a great club visit to think about for November. Since we should do visitations and why not enjoy the excursion.
Thank you Mary ! i agree that we should do some more visitations this year. Weaverville Lions has also invited us to come over for their morning meeting . Lion John