February 2025 The Student Speaker Contest

Student Speaker Contestants
On February 6th we had our annual Student Speaker Contest.
This year the Lions of California are proud to sponsor the
88th annual Student Speakers Contest.
The challenging topic for the 2025 contest was:
“Artificial Intelligence; friend or foe?”
ESYAC Homework Club
ESYAC 2024 The Homework Club Christmas Card
Kohl’s Annual Back to School Shopping for 2024
The annual event for 2024 was on August 3rd.
Children in need of school clothes are teamed up with an adult to help pick out attire to look spiffy for a new school year.
Volunteers are given a list of what the child needs and their size. They can be a challenge for the volunteers, but most are so happy with the experience and the pride of having something nice to wear.
Thank you Lion Norm Overbay for the photos of the volunteers.
Click on any photo to enlarge in the gallery.
Vision Screening August 2024
Ernie Mandere, Carl Larson, Kay Overbay, Norm Overbay, visited Juniper Elementary School “Camp 365” to do a vision screening.
They screened six preschoolers that were very cooperative. Lot more fun for everyone when they don’t cry.
I know at times so many new faces scare the little kids when they don’t understand what is happening.
♦ Photos provided by Lion Norm Overbay.
Click any photo to enlarge in gallery.
One Safe Place and A Surprise
July 11, 2024
Had last week off, due to the 4th of July.
Nice to see everyone again since the party on June 29th.
With our new Lion President Ernie in charge. And the proud ‘LOTY’ reminding us… just in case we forgot. Okay, had to think about what that meant. But we absolutely appreciate all our eager Lions taking on big tasks. Love you all.