Redding Breakfast Lions Club

We Serve

Riverfront Playhouse – Rabbit Hole


It has been a while since our club has enjoyed a Riverfront Playhouse Buyout.


Last night was a huge success.(4-28-2023)


Lots, and I mean lots of amazing dishes brought by everyone. Didn’t get to try everything. It would’ve taken  2 days to try it all.


At first I wasn’t too thrilled about the high tables and no stools in the reception room. But in the end it was actually a well thought out plan to help people move around and talk to others, instead of staying in one place. Kudos to Riverfront for this brilliant concept.

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Basketball All-Star Games 2023

April 2023


Want to congratulate Lion Charlie Follis for his passion to see this event happen in 2023. The club’s 25th year of doing the event.

Lots of help to pull it off.

A huge thanks to Lion Scott for the help he provided at the entrance table. He would hand us money and say he needed so much back. Linda and Dawn pitched in and helped with the event.

Glad we didn’t do the snack bar. Somethings are just better left for others to do.


Big thanks for the raffle prizes that were donated.

The end tally for entrance was an indication the location was the best. Continue reading

Flag Day at Sycamore 2023

February 2023


The four of us entered the classroom anxiously or is it nervously awaiting the kids to return from the library.


Ernie was the leader of our mission. George, Gary, and I were there to add moral support. And apparently to answer some questions.

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Daughters of the American Revolution

Written by Lion Norm Overbay

Kate Tully


At my Redding Breakfast Lions Charity, Inc. our speaker was Kate Tully – Daughters of the American Revolution. She shared her lineage back to the Revolutionary War and the crossing of the Delaware by General George Washington.


She visited the site and was in awe of the brave 5000 American citizenry that fought the British. Each rifle badge signifying a lineage name connection to the Revolutionary War. Lion Melanie Hunter, Kate Tully and me. Kate shared she just turned 80 years old.




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Ken Knighten Remembered

On January 8, 2023 there was a memorial service for Ken Knighten.

It was a lovely tribute to his life. He made a lot of friends over the years and a great impact on our community in Redding.

I didn’t meet Ken until 2015 when I first joined the Lions club at the end of that year.

Although I never really knew much about him other than he was a Lion, an Elk, and a member of the Asphalt Cowboys. That he was a long time Lion and was part of many events for them in the past.

My impression of him was that he was very quiet and private.

After listening to his family and friends at the service it gave me an insight into the true amazing person he was.

He had tremendous work ethics. He was humble. He was a devoted family man.

Wish I had sat down and talked with him, I could have learned a lot from him.

For those that didn’t attend I have added a copy of the printed item we received. You can find it over on Ken’s page.



H&R Block

H&R Block has teamed up

with our club.

Please download form

Help us give back to our community.

District 4C1 Lions

Info and Mane Lion


Weekly Meeting

We meet every Thursday

7:00 AM at

Country Waffles in Redding

Vision Testing

ESYAC – Donate Food

Eagles Soar Youth Activity Center

Program for Helping Youth.

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Great NonProfits

Lions District 4-C1

Disaster Response Team PDF