Fourth of July 2016
Written by: Mary Stephenson
Celebrating the 4th of July because we can. All due to this wonderful country and the freedom that others fought for us.
Whatever one does on this day and how you celebrate is irrelevant. It is not just another day off, it is a symbol of a country that allows for differences. Differences of religion, politics, choices, freedom of speech, freedom to roam freely. There is no one telling us we can’t pack up and move to the other side of the country.
We seem to take for granted our freedoms and only slightly understand the lack of freedom other countries have. This usually comes to light when we hear horrific stories of abuse, murder, and the list goes on. Things that happen to people that would never fly here at all.
Sure there are unsafe places in this country and a few deranged individuals that cause a lot of havoc for folks. But for most of us we will never encounter such atrocities.
In this country of freedom we have others protecting us and fighting for our rights. Today I am grateful.
Was checking out the internet and came across this Fourth of July Trivia Questions. If you are into trivia you might want to check it out.
Here is the link: Trivia Questions
Mary, very well stated!
Hi Jim
With all the horrific happenings overseas lately, I can only think of the many blessings we have on this side of the world.