Music in the AM and PM
Written by Mary Stephenson 5-27-2018
On May 23rd we attended Sycamore School’s annual “Music in the Air”, patriotic assembly in memory of those who have served and continue to serve our country. All the classes were involved with singing and playing instruments.
Some veterans were brought in, which was a wonderful thing to do for them. Recognition Certificates were given to the Veterans, along with thank you letters, patriotic lanyards, roses. I am sure they all felt appreciated and proud of having served their country. I believe the children understood why they have the freedom today that we all enjoy.
The music program has flourished well in the school, thanks to grants that have been obtained to do so. Everyone can enjoy music, but not everyone can play sports or even want to participate.
The great part about this year’s program… it was in the nice air-conditioned cafeteria. Also, because of this we could all hear what was going on. The unfortunate part was that the capacity did not allow for all the children to be there at the same time.
Nor-Cal Veterans Historical Association brought their Mobile Military Museum for all to enjoy. Great for the kids to be able to climb up into the helicopter.
On May 25th Gary and I went over to sell food at the snack bar for the school dance. (my second school dance, ever!) We were glad that there were less items than the February dance. Less kids also!
Maybe 3 reasons for the low attendance.
They had all been at the Aquatic Center on an All School Swim day. (Booked a year in advanced.) And if anyone recalls… it rained all day!
So with tired wet kids, maybe they or their parents were not up to bringing them out for the evening. Of course it was also pouring like crazy in the evening and did not let up at all. Plus add to the fact it was a holiday weekend. Probably not a good choice of a school dance date.
The kids that did come had a super time. With more running than dancing in the low-lit room, but the advantage is they build confidence in feeling free to be a kid. The DJ added a couple of lights than spun colors around the room, which made it delightful like the disco balls of yore!
Great Review of last weeks events at Sycamore. Hope to get more Lions out next year for the Patriot Ceremony.
Thanks Mary and Gary for all you are doing.