We Serve

A Simpson University Experience

Written by Mary Stephenson 10-13-2018


The request was that we attend the Inauguration Celebration for Dr. Norman Hall, the 15th President of Simpson University.


The following Lions showed up: Guy Piche, Doyle Fry, George Shelburne, Mike Robinson, Egon Harrasser, Gary and I.


Never been to anything quite like that before and got to admit it was an event I am glad to have attended. The speeches contained glimpses into the workings of the University. The personalities of those that spoke were inspiring. At times there was laughter, which made all the seriousness of the event pleasurable.


It was even nice to know that someone who was asked to make a speech for the “Investiture Ceremony” had to look up what was required. I didn’t know either.


There was singing and being a Christian school, God was honored throughout the ceremony.


Mission Statement: Simpson University is a Christ-centered learning community committed to developing each student in mind, faith and character for a lifetime of meaningful work and service in a constantly changing world.


Wonderful direction for young people to follow as they make their mark in the world. “Our leaders of tomorrow.”


I looked at the history with the little book they gave us at the door. W.W. Newberry founded Simpson University in 1921 at Seattle, Washington. Moved to San Francisco in 1955 and in 1989 it relocated to Redding. Their motto is “Gateway to World Service”.


Also in the book was the explanation of all the Academic Attire. It is massive and very detailed. There are 52 categories. Tassels and hoods match the colors that represent each. Example: Arts = white, Psychology = gold, Economics = copper, Medicine = green. Some do use the same color as others. But I guess if you were in the know, you could identify what branch of education they taught. The cap, the gown, and the hood have all distinctive markings, materials, and lengths. Interesting facts and the reasons of why they even had them and what they represented. Here is a link to the colors of what is standard. Click here.


Stayed to the end, but didn’t attend the reception, as there was just the two of us and somehow the “blue show” made us not seem so large anymore. Lots of important people attended and we felt that it was their party and not ours.


It was fun, and for growing up a small town girl, a reach into higher education practices was interesting. Never even had a cap and gown for my high-school graduation. Made my own lace covered white satin dress and the boys wore suits or sport jackets with ties.

5 Responses to A Simpson University Experience

  • Yes Mary the ceremony was inspirational. It’s good to know that there are professors that will leave young people with a sound base and a hope for a bright future.

    • Actually had an awesome time. Very encouraging for the future of those young people going to Simpson University. Very dedicated educators.

  • It was an inspiring ceremony. It’s good to know that this university will give the students a hope for a bright and meaningful future.

  • Was gone and very busy with other community projects… Here are my observations having been involved with Simpson University, other than our All star Basketball tournament, after the administration changed there approach of there traditional “Christian Bible Study” to a more open approach to students and our community I got involved in Simpson’s “Senior Programs” taking classes and presented and participated in senior leadership sessions… without talking about any religions, this apparently is changing now under the new administration, as one says “To Each his Own” . After hearing to the long, repetitions, by the Rev. McPeak (I am sometimes accused of talking too long) he by far acceded the my time limit. I decided I did not have to listen to anything more and left… I should have taken the time and joined our President in Ashland… Some day, I be glad to share more with my life story… I will still participate, creating the program and help out at our “Annual Lions All Star Basketball Tournament” at Simpson’s, but this will be it… I already informed the Senior Group.

    • Thanks for your take on the event. I found the whole thing interesting, although I would not attend another one. Since I am not a student at Simpson or plan on being one, I have no opinion either way on how they incorporate religion into the classes.

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